Sustainability challenges: No perfect answer, just better ones.

Earlier this month, I was invited to speak at the La Mesa city counsel meeting. Council member Dillard was wanting to initiate a comity to work towards plastic free changes in our city. I wanted to represent on behalf of businesses in La Mesa and the sustainable community.

During the discussion amongst the council, I was surprised at the opposition. One member seemed supportive but was quick to jump to questions the details of the more difficult challenges, questioning what will be the solutions for the more difficult plastics and situations.

I don’t see this questioning as wrong, I have them as well. Although, I do see it as the wrong place to start. There are many simpler, and quicker ways to begin to support this initiative. We need to start somewhere and with the things that we have answers to.

The difficultly of this dicussion is that there is no perfect answer, just better ones. My hope is that we can make a shift instead of changing nothing because we don’t have all of the answers. I commend the council members Dillard & Shu for their efforts in beginning the first step.

Ultimately the council moved to approval of the comity and I look forward to a more sustainable La Mesa.