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Winter Haircare Tips

When the weather gets cold the air becomes dry and so does our hair and skin. So what can we do to keep our locks healthy and looking their best? Here are 4 winter haircare tips to keep you looking and feeling your best.

Avoid Over Washing- 

If you are an everyday shampoo or frequent washer, consider spreading out the time between cleansing the hair and scalp. Washing too frequently will dry you out and strip beneficial essential oils. Try to just add one additional day between at a time for best results. This can be made easier by using our Element Dry Shampoo, which uses arrowroot powder and bentonite clay to absorb some of the oil on the roots. The powder formula is much more absorbent and is free from the buildup feel of your traditional dry shampoo. It’s not linked to any of the scary health concerns coming out lately either.

Buy Dry Shampoo Here!

Another way to prevent the scalp from over producing oil when you are stretching your wash frequency is by using good shampoo. Avoid sulfates which strip the scalp too vigorously, in turn causing the skin to try to overcompensate, creating more sebum. Our Element Cleanse in the Uplift or Fragrance Free options are a great choice.

Use an Oil Treatment-

This is beneficial because oil will drive moisture further into the hair shaft, conditioning deeper in these drying times. Be aware though, not all oils are created equal. Look for something lightweight with lots of antioxidants. If the oil is too heavy it will create more trouble between washes, but there are oils that your hair can absorb. 

The Element Bewitched Blend of Oils is a great choice. It can be used as a treatment by pulling it all through the hair the night before your next shampoo. Put it in a braid or bun and head to sleep. In the morning, shampoo well and enjoy more nourished hair. A few drops on dry hair daily is a great choice as well.

Bewitched Blend of Oils

Get Regular Trims-

Sometimes when the hair has had enough of the dry weather, the best solution is to just get a trim. Trims may be needed more often when it's chilly outside, so don’t be surprised if you feel like you need a trip to the salon more frequently. The best indicator that you need a trim, rather than a treatment is tangling. Dryness can be remedied,  but tangles on the ends are a sure sign the ends are beyond repair. 

Scalp care- 

Healthy scalps create an environment for healthy hair to grow. We constantly get asked about flaking and dry scalp when the weather turns brisk. My best solution for dry scalp is allowing your stylist to add a Scalp Blend into your Element Cleanse. Essential oils of rosemary, tea tree, frankincense, and lavender soothe and clear up while providing anti-fungal benefits. In order to get the most benefit, take time to massage your hair and scalp, giving it a good brush through before hopping in the shower to shampoo.

Ultimately remember that heathy winter hair is moisturized hair and if you are at a total loss, we are always here to help you identify a solution. Spring will be here before we know it to give us some reprieve.

-Easton Bajsec