Hello Sun

As we bid farewell to the short days of winter, there is no better time to appreciate your alliance with the sun. Recognized in astrology as the ‘planet’ symbolizing one’s will and sense of vitality, the sun’s energy has been revered for centuries. As technology has evolved allowing us to dive deeper, these ancient ideas have only become more validated. As humans our biology is recognizing the lengthening of the days by the light waves coming in through our eyes and onto the skin. These cells are sharing important information with the organs in our bodies that help ensure the rhythms of our body stays in sync. These include hormones and neurotransmitters responsible for adequate sleep, metabolism, mood, immune system, and even the growth of hair, skin, nails and bone.

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Sustainability challenges: No perfect answer, just better ones.

Earlier this month, I was invited to speak at the La Mesa city counsel meeting. Council member Dillard was wanting to initiate a comity to work towards plastic free changes in our city. I wanted to represent on behalf of businesses in La Mesa and the sustainable community.

During the discussion amongst the council, I was surprised at the opposition. One member seemed supportive but was quick to jump to questions the details of the more difficult challenges, questioning what will be the solutions for the more difficult plastics and situations.

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Stylist Q&A: Why is my blonde hair so brassy?

Question: Why is my blonde hair so brassy?

Answer: Let’s dive into the science of brassy hair- that annoying orangish or yellowish tinge that can sneak its way into your precious locks.

Why does hair even go brassy in the first place? When you lighten your hair, whether it's through balayage, highlights, or all-over color, you are uncovering the natural pigment in your strands. Over time, the toner that you left the salon with fades and you are left with your natural tone. Follow these top-notch tips to keep it in check:

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Ask a Professional: Stylist Q & A

How often should I be getting a Treatment?

Of course, it varies depending on your needs and goals. At the minimum, you should replenish your strands once a season (and yes, San Diego seasons count too).

If you have long hair, are growing it out, colored or highlighted, textured, you swim, use heat often, or have thirsty, damaged ends, my recommendations goes to every time that you visit the salon.

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Ask a Professional: Stylist Q & A

Is it better to come with dirty hair to my color appointment?

Back in the day, the ammonia in color was more prevalent, and a dirty scalp was reccomended as a protective barrier. But we have come a long way with color technology and it is much gentler thankfully. The professional guidelines suggest a clean, dry scalp for best results. It also helps us to better see what we are working with. It doesn’t have to be freshly washed but try not to go more than 2 days past a cleanse.

Quick Answer: It is best to come with cleanish, dry hair for any appointment.

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The Bad Side of Natural Hair Care

As a stylist behind the chair in a low-tox hair salon, I get to style a variety of crunchy gals. Many of them are drawn to our clean, toxin free apothecary options for haircare. Some lean on the advice of well-intentioned social media influencers for how to naturally care for their mane. I would like to address some of the misinformation I have heard being spread, as natural does not always equal safe and effective.

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Does Going Zero Waste Seem Daunting? Try Sorting Properly First

Most of us do not live a perfect zero waste life. It can be really daunting to try eliminating all the plastic from our lives. Since it is Earth Month, I wanted to take the time to discuss one of the ways we can start to make an impact with the waste that we do produce, and that is learning to sort it properly.

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5 winter skincare tips from local dermatologist Sama Carley

Have you used Naim skincare yet? It’s the amazing zero waste and refillable line that we carry in the apothecary. We asked founder and local dermatologist Sama Carley for her advice on caring for our skin in these cold dry months. Here’s what she said;

1. Use a heavy moisturizer twice daily

Make sure it’s non comedogenic

Avoid thinner or runny lotions that have more preservatives and alcohol which can lead to drier skin. Recommended brands include CeraVe or Vanicream face and body creams that come in large tubs to reduce waste and simplify regimens. For simpler and more plant based, coconut oil can be great for some people but some do break out with this! Always trial a test spot and wait a few days to make sure you don't react. Avoid all other oils/natural moisturizers as many of them do clog pores (Shea butter is notorious for this). The trick with moisturizers is they must be applied within 30 SECONDS after washing face and applying toners/actives. The longer you wait after water contact, the more the evaporation dries out your skin. Seal it all in ASAP!

2. Ease up on the actives!

Dry and irritated skin in winter does not handle actives as well.

Decide what you want to work on the most and focus on 1 actives product. If anti-aging is a focus, utilize just a retinol or adapalene product. If texture is an issue, products with alpha hydroxy acids will do the trick! Try the Naim Exfoliating AHA Serum nightly. Is inflammation, rosacea, or acne a problem? Try a gentle beta hydroxy acid toner with sulfur to reduce inflammation and breakouts (like the Naim Balancing Facial Toner with salicylic acid and sulfur). Is pigment irregularity an issue? Vitamin C products that are stabilized by ferulic offer help with this, and can also help with aging and sun damage. The Naim Pigment Correction Serum used nightly is a great tried and true option.

3. Double cleansing is key

to fully remove irritants and toxins built up throughout the day and all the heavy moisturizer for a clean face, break up your cleansing routine.

This is not only for people with dry skin, but those with oily skin will be surprised what a difference double cleansing with an oil does! Start first by using a dedicated oil to dissolve away all impurities - we love the Naim Botanical Cleansing Oil because of the anti aging effects of the rosehip oil and the relaxing scent. Follow this with your favorite cleanser, we recommend either the Naim pH balancing cleanser or any gentle fragrance free bar soap. This step will saponify and wash away the oil after the oil has pulled away and dissolved impurities. 

4. Weekly Masks

for brightening effects to fight off that dull winter skin tone and smooth out texture!

The Naim Resveratrol Pumpkin Peel is a decadent treat for a self care night at home. You'll see instantly more supple and brighter, smoother skin after 10 to 15 mins of this mask! You can also reduce waste by making your own more gentle moisturizing mask at home.


Although the shorter and darker days can leave us glum, the UV rays are still persistent this time of year.

Not only that, but if you suffer from pigment irregularity, the visible light from indoor lights can also worsen this issue. Mineral sunscreens with at least SPF 40 to 50 every day is a must! Steer clear of chemical sunscreens, and ideally find a mineral sunscreens that is tinted. The iron oxide used to tint sunscreen helps protect from damage visible light - imperative especially for those of us with skin of color. Some of our favorites include: ILIA Skin Tint, Josie Maran mineral tinted sunscreen, CeraVa mineral 50 tinted sunscreen, Neutrogena Sheer tint mineral. Although tempting, avoid homemade SPF and other "natural" alternatives. SPF is technically a topical medication and should be treated as such. Be sure to get enough vitamin D from fresh, healthy, varied foods in your diet and remember vitamin D needs fats to be absorbed well! 

What's the Difference Between Sugaring and Waxing?

I’m not an overly furry gal but I do disdain my body hair. I have been familiar with hair removal for all of my career, mostly waxing, mostly for personal reasons. It wasn’t until we decided to transition to a zero waste space that I began to question if there was an alternate form of hair removal that would produce less waste. It was then that I was introduced and came to love sugaring and its many benefits. Both move hair from the root, last about 2-3 weeks and lead to permannate hair loss, but here are the differences. 

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